Shipping Damages Information

Damaged During Shipping?

Please inspect your items for any shipping damages BEFORE you sign for them. Once you sign for your shipment you have given the "Everything received in Good Condition" clearance to the shipper, They are unlikely to offer any help after that. One of the best ways to tell if your shipment is damaged is to shake the box. If the contents are loose or you hear what sounds like a Maraca filled with broken glass. REFUSE THE SHIPMENT and contact us 

If you ascertain that the shipment has been damaged please give the parcel back to the shipper and refuse delivery. Yes they don't like that but then it is their responsibility to get it back to us. On the other hand if you receive the item and don't find out it is damaged until you open it. It falls on you to pack it back up and get a claim started by contacting us at Send us all of the relevant info. on your shipment (Tracking Number, etc.) so we can get a claim started.